I am a macroeconomist and economic theorist interested in business cycles and mechanism design. I am an Assistant Professor of Economics at Yale University. I graduated from MIT with a Ph.D. in Economics in June 2023 and the University of Cambridge with a B.A. in Economics in 2017.
Email: [email protected]
Strategic Mistakes (with Karthik Sastry) [Online Appendix] [Publisher’s Version]
Journal of Economic Theory, Volume 212, September 2023
Nonlinear Pricing with Under-Utilization: A Theory of Multi-Part Tariffs (with Roberto Corrao and Karthik Sastry) [Online Appendix] [Publisher’s Version]
American Economic Review, Volume 113, Issue 3, March 2023
Robust Comparative Statics for the Elasticity of Intertemporal Substitution (with Lawrence Schmidt and Alexis Akira Toda) [Publisher’s Version]
Theoretical Economics, Volume 18, Issue 1, January 2023
Priority Design in Centralized Matching Markets (with Oguzhan Celebi) [Online Appendix] [Publisher’s Version]
The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 89, Issue 3, May 2022
Working Papers
Adaptive Priority Mechanisms (with Oguzhan Celebi) [SSRN Link] — Reject and Resubmit, American Economic Review
Attention Cycles (with Karthik Sastry) [NBER WP32553] [SSRN Link] — Revise and Resubmit, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
Dynamic Unravelling [SSRN Link] — 2nd Round Revise and Resubmit, Management Science
Fiscal Policy in a Networked Economy (with John Becko and Christina Patterson) [NBER WP29619] [SSRN Link] — Revise and Resubmit, American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics
A Theory of Supply Function Choice and Aggregate Supply (with Georgios Nikolakoudis and Karthik Sastry) [SSRN Link] — Revise and Resubmit, American Economic Review
What can Measured Beliefs Tell Us About Monetary Non-Neutrality? (with Hassan Afrouzi and Choongryul Yang) [NBER WP32541] — Reject and Resubmit, American Economic Review
Contractibility Design (with Roberto Corrao and Karthik Sastry) [SSRN Link]
Prices vs. Quantities: A Macroeconomic Analysis (with Georgios Nikolakoudis and Karthik Sastry)
Quick-Fixing: Near-Rationality in Consumption and Savings Behavior (with Peter Andre, Georgios Nikolakoudis, and Karthik Sastry) [SSRN Link]
Foreign Political Risk and Technological Change (with Antoine Levy, Jacob Moscona, and Mai Wo) [SSRN Link]
The Macroeconomics of Narratives (with Karthik Sastry) [NBER WP32602] [SSRN Link]